Dual Contradistinctive Generative Autoencoder

Gaurav Parmar    Dacheng Li    Kwonjoon Lee    Zhuowen Tu   

Carnegie Mellon University     UC San Diego

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We present a new generative autoencoder model with dualcontradistinctive losses to improve generative autoencoder that performs simultaneous inference (reconstruction) and synthesis (sampling). Our model, named dual contradistinctive generative autoencoder (DC-VAE), integrates an instance-level discriminative loss (maintaining the instance-level fidelity for the reconstruction/synthesis) with a set-level adversarial loss (encouraging the set-level fidelity for the reconstruction/synthesis), both being contradistinctive. Extensive experimental results by DC-VAE across different res-olutions including 32 x 32, 64 x 64, 128 x 128, and 512 x 512 are reported. The two contradistinctive losses in VAE work harmoniously in DC-VAE leading to a significant qualitative and quantitative performance enhancement over the baseline VAEs without architectural changes. State-of-the-art or competitive results among generative autoencoders for image reconstruction, image synthesis, image interpolation,and representation learning are observed. DC-VAE is ageneral-purpose VAE model, applicable to a wide variety of downstream tasks in computer vision and machine learning.

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arXiv 2011.10063, 2021.


Gaurav Parmar, Dacheng Li, Kwonjoon Lee and Zhuowen Tu. "Dual Contradistinctive Generative Autoencoder", in CVPR, 2021.

DC-VAE Reconstruction and Sampling Results on LSUN Bedrooms and CelebA-HQ



This work is funded by NSF IIS- 1717431 and NSF IIS-1618477. We thank Qualcomm Inc. for an award support. The work was performed when G. Parmar and D. Li were with UC San Diego.